Monday, August 20, 2012

The slope of shame

Hum so whom could it be that is on the fast track to snatch alley. Could it be an irish dude?

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Underworld

Ah the Waltons, or perhaps the hillbillies...or just the stupidist most hurtful  tacky peeps I have ever encountered. The term spawn of the devil mother just doesn't  do justice to the description of this creepy family unit. So I will update as needed with the WTF comment of note:

Tall spawn speaks.
Tall spawn should never speak or dial.

Well lets start this blog up again

Lets see... it's been almost 2 years little sweetie is big and it is a pleasure to have her in Cathy's world.
First to review the posts from the past. I believe channel 4 is still alive in Jon's world sometimes.
Jane remains an ignorant slut.
Responsiblties and obligations still make me cry.
Domestic Violence still sucks
Jane is an ignorant slut
Missy is icky
Jane is an ignorant slut